
Copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac
Copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac

copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac

Set copyRange2 =src.Range("B2:B" & lastRow) Just to add to Jon's coding if you needed to take it a step further, and do more than just one column you can add something like Dim copyRange2 As Range As a result, Application.CutCopyMode = False is not necessary. Note that by using the syntax above to copy and paste, nothing is selected or activated (which you should always avoid in Excel VBA) and the clipboard is not used.

copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac

' if you don't want to over-write your previous resultsĬopyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy tgt.Range("A1") ' note that you can easily find the last populated row on this sheet ' copy the visible cells to our target range Set copyRange = src.Range("A2:A" & lastRow)įilterRange.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="Rio de Janeiro" ' we set the range to start in row 2 to prevent copying the header ' in this case we are copying country from column A ' the range we want to copy (only columns we want to copy) Set filterRange = src.Range("A1:C" & lastRow) ' the range that we are auto-filtering (all columns) LastRow = src.Range("A" & ).End(xlUp).Row ' find the last row with data in column A ' turn off any autofilters that are already set You should be able to modify this for your purposes: Sub CopyPartOfFilteredRange()

Copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac code#

The following code autofilters the range and then pastes only one of the columns of autofiltered data to another sheet. I set up a simple 3-column range on Sheet1 with Country, City, and Language in columns A, B, and C.

Copy visible cells only excel office 365 mac